Carl's Fallout 4 Guide
for PC, Xbox One, and PS4

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See a full list of guides on the Nuka World page. I've written over a dozen in just a week and plan to continue. There is much more to this DLC, it will just take time to write it all. Check back for more. Comment on the appropriate page if you have a tip to share with other readers.

Fallout 4 Automatron: Robots

Creating Your Perfect Automatron Companion

A Robot in Fallout 4 Automatron A heavily-modified melee robot in Automatron. Every part boosts bleed effects; it's a good build for survival difficulty.

Automatron's main draw for many will be the new robot companions we are able to customize through the new Robot Workbench. This Guide will give you general advice on how to make a good companion that suits your needs. I've come up with some solid info from gameplay testing and playing around the bots and will share all I've learned in this guide, though I will not list every robot part. There are far, far too many and your choices will be limited by your character's Perks. Want a good melee Robot? You'll probably need some investment in Blacksmith to do that. Some of the Armor mods require you to dabble in Armorer and weapons Gun Nut. As with weapon mods, you are able to use those that you find in new bots without consuming materials so some players will be able to scrape by with none of these Perks.

Robot Introduction

Getting Started: Unlock Robot Workbench
In order to begin building robots, you must be level 15 and have followed Ada's distress signal which you can pick up on the radio. This will give you the first quest, which unlocks the Robot Workbench. I've got a full walkthrough to getting started in Automatron here. This guide assumes you've already done that, as you'll need the workbench to tinker bots. Continuing through the quest will eventually unlock all the parts for you, so it's recommended. However, you can make a good companion after the very first quest and put the rest off until later. It's actually somewhat challenging as the robots scale with your level.

Automatron's Robot Design Offers Flexibility
If you do not care about your companion's stats in combat, it's very easy to make a really high capacity robot that will lug around junk for you. Since the robots are indestructible (aside from unstable upgrades, more on that later), you can easily create a bot that will serve as a pack mule. Remembering that Sentry legs may cause you to leave your robot behind is important, but the rest is all about improving capacity. When you want a build that will function in combat, that's where good design becomes more important. There are pieces that increase melee and energy damage, or cause opponents to bleed. Stacking these effects is key to creating high-damage robots that will help a lot in combat. They can even steal your kills to the point it's a bit annoying when you're trying to level up.

You can customize Curie (pre-Synth) or even Codsworth if you like, just be sure about this before doing it as it may affect them permanently.

Adding energy damage with voltaic parts in Fallout 4 Automatron Voltaic parts increase energy weapon damage. If you use them on arms, they also increase melee damage. You can also choose to add bleed effects to melee.

Choosing Weapons: Building a Strong Combat Robot
While there's the obvious - outfitting a Sentry bot with a couple Fat Man launchers to fire nukes during battle, the other means of making a great combat bot are to stack bonuses for a weapon type. The main bonuses are increases to Melee or Energy weapon damage. With or without bleeds. These are the big two. A regular gatling gun is going to fail miserably in comparison to a laser gatling that is being boosted by voltaic parts. Even the explosive minigun (unstable mod) will fail to impress when compared to melee weapons with plenty of spiked parts that increase bleed, or otherwise boost melee damage as with parts on the arms.

Does Inspirational Work with Robots?
Yes, Inspirational does work with the new robot companions. You can see the carry weight and damage resistance applied through the building menu. However, you need to decide if the perks beyond the first are really worth it. The first gives companions +20% damage and makes you invulnerable to their attacks, while Rank 2 gives a minor +20 Damage/Energy Resistance to the robot companion and makes them invulnerable to your attacks. It's definitely good if you are making a Melee robot, or find yourself shooting your own bot frequently. For ranged, not as useful. Rank 3 is trash given robots' already high carry capacity compared to other companions (at least in some configurations) - it gives a mere +25 to carry weight. Awful. Might as well just get Strong Back later.

The Sentry Shoulder mount weapons in Fallout 4 Sentry Bots torsos allow you to use shoulder mounts, so long as you are not using a Mr. Handy Thruster part. Guess it's too heavy!

Unstable Weapons and Armor
Nearly all Unstable parts require you to have a point or two in Robotics Expert, and that may not be worth it. These offer damage and special bonuses, but may break when used, and you'll have to go back to the Robot Workbench in order to repair them. While I can say that using the Unstable armor in some slots is good for improving damage, I can't really recommend an unstable weapon as primary. You just might find your companion useless in combat at random while deep in an indoor area. Weapons get used a lot, so are going to break more. When an armor mod on a slot gets broken, you don't actually lose the arm/leg, you just lose the armor and bonuses added by the armor.

Robot Weapons

Mr Handy custom robot companion A Mister Handy variant with two gatling lasers and using several voltaic upgrades to stack energy weapon damage.

Robot Weapons are fun to play around with, and you'll need to do so in order to find combinations that produce a build you like. Automatron weapons go in the left and right arm categories, along with armor for those arms. While many of the weapon types offer very low damage, as you level you can unlock more Perks and access better weapons and upgrades to other body parts that compliment those weapons. Here is a table of all the robot weapons in Automatron with data that I was able to find on them in the game files.

The 5 Mr. Handy weapons aren't listed, they do have unique names but similar/slightly lower stats as the normal melee (grip/pincer), laser, flamer, and lightning gun.

Nearly every melee weapon has a weight of 2. The exception is the Hammer Saw which has a weight of 3. We can assume it's a bit slower to swing as a result.

Weapon List

Assaultron Head Charge in Fallout 4 Automatron The Assaultron Head Charge isn't listed here, but it usually ends a fight when the robot uses it.

P = Physical Damage, E = Energy Damage. Lower RoF (Rate of Fire) is better for ranged. GN = Gun Nut, BS = Blacksmith, SCI = Science!, RE = Robotics Expert.

WeaponDamageRoFPerks RequiredDesc
Protectron Claw25 P??NoneMelee
Hand Baton23 P??NoneMelee
Vice Grip27 P??NoneMelee
Flamer10 ENoneFlame Jets (reduced range)
Protectron Laser24 E0.5NoneRanged weapon
Claw Stun Mod28 E??1 BS 1 SCIMelee, chance to stun
Hook39 P??1 BSMelee, chance to disarm
Skull Mace45 P??1 BSMelee, chance to stagger
Shock21 P ?? E??1 BS 1 SCIMelee, adds electrical damage
Axe55??1 BSMelee
Robobrain Smoke Claw61 P1.01 BS 1 SCIFires poisonous smoke bomb.
Laser27 E0.51 SCIRanged weapon
Cryojet19 E1 SCIShort range, chance to freeze
Protectron Auto Laser27 E0.21 SCIAutomatic ranged
Hammer61 P??2 BSMelee, chance to stagger
Assaultron Claw57 P??2 BSMelee
Construction Claw64 P??2 BSMelee
Drill68 P??2 BSMelee
Saw Blade54 P??2 BSMelee, targets bleed
Assaultron Shock Claw57 P ?? E??2 BS 1 SCIMelee, adds electrical damage
Nailgun55 P0.52 SCI 1 GNFires spikes at slow fire rate
Automatic Laser30 E0.152 SCIAutomatic ranged
Scattered Laser40 E0.252 SCIFires multiple beams at poor range/accuracy
Sniper Laser60 E2.02 SCISuperior damage and range at reduced RoF
Stealth Blade90 P??2 BSMelee, silent weapon
Shishkebab63 P 20 E??3 BSMelee, targets burn
Hammer Saw93 P??3 BSMelee, targets bleed and chance to stagger
Gamma Gun16 Rad0.253 SCIRadioactive discharge, effective against humans
Lightning Gun30 E1.03 SCIElectrical discharge arcs between targets
Heavy Flamer35 E3 SCI 1 GNFires balls of explosive flame at reduced range
Minigun24 P3 SCI 1 GNExceptional fire rate
Missile Launcher44 P5.03 SCI 1 GNExplosive missiles = area damage
Gatling Laser34 E3 SCIExceptional fire rate
Unstable Laser Gatling37 E4 SCI 1 REExceptional damage but may break
Unstable Explosive Minigun41 P4 SCI 1 REBullets explode causing area damage, but may break
Mezmetron Head (Robobrain)24 E5.02 SCI 1 REMay cause enemy aim issues.
Cluster Bomb (Sentry Shoulder)??5.03 SCIArea of effect rockets
Unstable Gas Bomb (Sentry Shoulder)??5.04 SCI 1 RESame as above, may cause targets to frenzy
Unstable Fat Man (Sentry Shoulder)??12.04 SCI 1 REHuge damage, as with any mini-nuke.

We can safely assume that anything with energy damage can be increased by Voltaic armor, while all melee weapons can be upgraded to cause bleed damage or extra melee damage based on arms and armor modificationsl, so take this into consideration when building your robot.

Robot Body Parts Guide

Rather than list all of the parts, which would leave you looking at a massive table and not getting much info from it, I'd rather go through the strengths of bot parts in each category. When building a robot, you are able to select its head, left and right arms, torso, legs, voice, and paint. The last two are for roleplaying purposes and not as important to a gameplay guide. There is a special category, but it's only used for the Mechanist Quest. Every part is judged in comparison to the Protectron model, which is the most basic and what you start out with when you create a new Automatron at the workbench. Its only strength is in the carry capacity category for arms so is a good baseline. Some parts have weaknesses (such as lower capacity relative to the Protecton, but improved movement/melee damage etc.)

Armor: Damage and Carry Capacity

For each type of part here, you are able to pick armors that generally just get better and better armor and carry capacity. At times, you will need to choose between slightly more armor and capacity or damage for the robot. The highest armor parts don't seem to offer melee or energy bonuses in most cases, though it's close.


Torso upgrades for robots in Fallout 4 Automatron Torsos can be upgraded to provide one benefit from your bot - from hacking to healing.

This is what makes the robots differ most in terms of what parts are available. The Assaultron, Protectron, and Robobrain are basic but offer different health values. The Torso will not make a large difference in the amount of damage/energy resistance you can get on the bot.

A Mr. Handy torso is great for stacking additional energy damage as it can have an extra voltaic part on top, and though it has no head slot the eye goes up front and features a long engagement range with solid accuracy. If you also use the thruster, you get a fast bot that can have 5 melee weapons total (the three mr. handy arm slots unlock when you have both thruster and torso). Sadly, they can't be fitted with 5 pistols but only saws or vice grips if you have arms. However with the three arm slots you can put additional voltaic or serrated armor. The former will increase both melee and energy damage, while the latter stacks more and more bleed damage! If you remove the arms, Mr. Handy can have 3 ranged weapons (special Mr. Handy flamer, laser, and lightning gun with the same stats as normal parts listed above), though it's likely better to have 2 better weapons with the voltaic armor.

It is under the torso category that you can find special mods that give a bonus to nearby allies:

Sentry Torsos will provide you with a left and right shoulder slot, only so long as you aren't using a Mr. Handy thruster. Unfortunately, there is only one non-breakable part for that - cluster bombs, which do good damage and fire fairly frequently, but hardly offer a variety. The other two are Unstable variants of gas bombs (hallucinogens make humans attack one another) and fat man launchers which have about a 12 second delay. The drawback of using a Sentry chassis is that it can overheat, which disables the unit for a brief period of time during combat. Not good for long battles, but not so bad that it's out of commission for long periods. If you DO go with a Sentry bot for the unlimited mini nukes, do get one rank in Inspirational to prevent any accidents. While the bot will not OFTEN fire with you in range, accidents can and absolutely do happen. Taking this will make you much safer and let the bot fight to its maximum potential.

Robot repair kits in Automatron Robots won't die, but they aren't invincible. Heal your Automatron by using a robot repair kit. They do not need to be in your favorites.

Heads: Accuracy & Engagement Range

The Robot's head primarily determines its engagement distance and accuracy, which are both important. Do you want a bot that will charge forward into combat, be medium-range or be more likely to hang back and shoot? The only type of bot that doesn't support a head is Mr. Handy, who gets a special slot for an eye on the torso slot. Engagement range seems to affect how close the robot will need to get before attacking with equipped weapons. You may want to put at most medium engagement range if you were using a scatter laser or minigun, while a sniper laser would be better suited for a long engagement range. Assaultron heads have close engagement and poor accuracy (so good for melee), sentry and protectron medium, and Mr. Handy and Robobrain have large engagement ranges, with Robobrains having the best accuracy of all head (or eye) types - this is exceptional whether using a gatling laser or for sniping.


The arms are one of the easiest parts to pick for your robot. They are fairly well balanced parts. Protectron is awful, but requires nothing. The Assaultron offers the best melee damage but reduced carry capacity, the Sentry a little less damage but the best capacity. Robobrain strikes a balance between these two. Most players will end up using the Sentry should they have the required Perks. One nice thing about Arm slots is that you can get melee AND energy damage increases from using voltaic armor - which makes sense.


Legs effect movement speed and capacity. Sentry legs offer the largest boost to capacity, but greatly impact the robot's ability to navigate indoors. Assaultron legs provide a high speed and decent capacity, while the Mr. Handy upgrade seems to give the most speed. Robobrain treads strike a balance between these things and give you indoor mobility and good speed. Highly recommended unless you're using a melee bot. Protectron legs are, predictably, awful but do give you good carry weight for an early-game pack mule.

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Lockpick module can open master locks. However, failing an attempt will prevent further tries unless you reload a prior save.
26th March 2016 10:46am
Thanks for that, I will edit that in right now.
27th March 2016 1:32am
Not sure about that. I put the lockpick module into Ada and she won't pick Expert or Master locks for me.
8th April 2016 1:25pm
You quicksave before asking her to pick the lock and reload if she doesn't get it, that simple. Sometimes it takes multiple tries, sometimes she gets it right away. I've had Ada pick tons of Master locks and hack a lot of Master terminals as well.
7th June 2016 5:04pm
Carl, is there a way to change the basic beginning bot that shows up when you select create a new automatron? I see a [ R) base bot ] menu option, but only at the very beginning and I have been thinking that this would allow me to make one bot and save it a new default "base" bot. Either I don't know the correct way to do this, or it don't work too well.
29th March 2016 8:17pm
are there any other parts that only appear with certain combinations other than Mr. Handy legs and eyes? Also there is different movement when it comes combat with each of the robot's legs. I know assaultron legs tend to dodge what they can left and right.
4th April 2016 5:58pm
Does anyone know how to scrap a robot you built? Maybe you built one too many or you just don't want another one turns out, how do you scrap it. I see the option in Workshop mode but I can't use the option.
4th April 2016 7:29pm
Yes that's what I wanna know how do u scrap a bot?
5th April 2016 6:07pm
Wouldn't you just make it follow you and then order it to self-destruct?
7th June 2016 5:05pm
Can you look a little further into how Unstable parts work? Because I'm pretty sure they report themselves after combat, but I also hear things like they have higher chances to fail the more unstable parts you have and etc.
9th April 2016 10:47am
Repair* not report
9th April 2016 10:48am
This guide should mention the fact that the Robobrain arms can't use armor. Likewise, the Robobrain treads have less armor than the other options.
7th July 2016 9:21am
Why doesn't the new robot show up on vault technology vip computer?
12th December 2016 3:28am
I lost my robot once and tried to track it and didn't show up on the list for companions.
12th December 2016 3:32am
Robots, including Codsworth, don't show up on the VIP tracker. Blatant anti-robot bias, I'd say.
22nd December 2016 11:09am
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Far Harbor DLC Guides

See my Far Harbor Guide for new features in the DLC. There, you can also watch the trailer and view new weapons that can be found. The area is massive, so we can expect plenty of quests and exploration in a foggy, rugged area with new and challenging creatures to battle.

Pleae note there are different endings for this DLC, something we all wanted! It's like the actual end-game of FO4 in that you can choose the outcome.

Islander's Almanac Magazine Locations
Far From Home: Quest 1
Walk in the Park: Quest 2
Where you Belong: Quest 3
Best Left Forgotten: Quest 4
Ware's Brew Quest New
The Striker New

Automatron Guides & Walkthrough

The final quest Restoring Order (Mechanist Fight/Options) is now available. I've also released a page that describes Getting Started in Automatron to accompany the main page about the DLC. This covers how to make the Robot Workbench to begin making your own Automatrons, and walks you through the first two quests while providing some tips for fighting the Mechanist's creations. Quest 3 Walkthrough: Headhunting is also live on the site.

Robots in Automatron New
Mechanist's Lair, Eyebots, and Rogue Robots covers what happens after the Mechanist story is complete.

Perks & Bobbleheads

Now that I've written about all Perks in Fallout 4, I've put them all in a list, with how they work, what you can expect, and my own opinions on them. Hope this is handy! I've also compiled map shots of all Bobblehead Locations in the game. You can choose to explore the locations on your own or read descriptions for those I've taken notes about.

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