Carl's Fallout 4 Guide
for PC, Xbox One, and PS4

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See a full list of guides on the Nuka World page. I've written over a dozen in just a week and plan to continue. There is much more to this DLC, it will just take time to write it all. Check back for more. Comment on the appropriate page if you have a tip to share with other readers.

Fallout 4 Double-Barrel Shotgun

Weapon Modifications, Upgrading, and Base Stats

Double Barrel Shotgun in Fallout 4 A Double Barrel Shotgun in Fallout 4

The Double-Barrel Shotgun is likely the first of its kind you'll find in Fallout 4. It is excellent to use in VATS for scoring Critical Hits, though shotgun shells can be scarce. They are powerful enough to be worth buying from vendors for use against legendary opponents. Their nature is to spread, so it's best to use them up close. The range at which you'll do half of less damage is typically low, so using them up close is the only way to go. Point-blank headshots are particularly effective at taking out approaching melee attackers, and especially useful at blowing off the limbs of ghouls in one blow.

That this shotgun can only hold two shells at a time is a major limiter in its utility in long fights, however it also means you're more likely to use it only when you really need it - thus helping to conserve ammo. As you can see, the base range is one of the lowest in the game, and accuracy is horrible:

Double Barrel Shotgun Base Stats

DamageRate of FireClipRangeAccuracyVATS AP

Crafting: Double Barrel Weapon Mods

The following are general advice on how the stats are modified on a base Double-barrel using data you see with the Better Weapon Mod Descriptions Fallout 4 Mod by Takaru Minari installed. This should be helpful to players who do not like using mods or are playing on Xbox or PS4 and do not have access to them.

I originally planned tables for all weapons, but it's a daunting task. I've instead elected to give general info on certain types of parts and how they affect hidden things like VATS cost, critical damage, and recoil. Many of the best weapon upgrades require you to have at least a couple ranks of Gun Nut, and some require Science. I have a page on finding crafting materials, as well as adhesive should you need help with that.

Double-barrel Receivers






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