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Fallout 4: Nuka World - Where to Go?!
Raiding Kiddie Kingdom and the Magical Kingdom Quest

Once you've completed the Quest Ambitious Plan and started The Grand Tour you've got the ability to claim areas of the park for Raiders, what then? Some of the areas are notoriously hard - particularly the Galactic Zone area of the park. One of the easier ones is Kiddie Kingdom, inhabited by ghouls. I suggest you bring Gage with you, since many companions do not like working with Raiders. You can find an exit into the wilder areas of the park to the east of your headquarters in Nuka Town, USA.
This is a quest where I'd advise power armor, or at the very least a lot of both RadAway and Rad-X. There are probably 40-50 ghouls in the areas you'll travel, in total, and some of them are higher level, so you'll also want plentiful ammo before even bothering to enter the kingdom.
Area Hazards

First, know that it seems there are many more ghouls at night, though I cannot be sure. Second, don't get too close to the mist sprayers strewn throughout the area. It's inevitable you take a few deaths' worth of rads while traveling in the area, due to the toxic sprayers. Above all, try not to get too close to them as it is more damaging in close proximity due to the thicker mist. Anything that moves here, in regards to rides, can greatly injure or kill your character, and there are several of them. You don't want to find this out the hard way.
Quest: A Magical Kingdom

This quest must be finished in order to assign one of the three raider gangs to Kiddie Kingdom. Upon entering the area, you'll be taunted by a mysterious man on the park's PA system. The quest will direct you to search three separate locations. Most of it can be traveled using the signs here and there throughout the park. You need to search three areas, in no particular order:
- Search the Funhouse
- Search the Theater (King Kola's Castle)
- Search the Tunnels (Two entrances. One takes a key, the other does not.)
The Theater

This one is in the King Kola's Castle area, in case you follow the signs or utilize the park maps. The markers may seem a tad inadequate at times. The theater is simply a moderate ghoul battle, and your (possibly) first encounter with someone named, 'Oswald the Outrageous'. He's a ghoul who can heal and performs magic to disappear. Each time you bring him down, he'll heal up, but he will escape after a time. Check the area for a Nuka Berry recipe for the Nuka Cola Machine that can be built at Settlements. Also, when done with the inside of the theater go outside using the other bridge and up to the castle tower room where you'll find Rachel's computer. The key to the tunnels is here, though there's a second entrance that doesn't require a key.
The Tunnels

You'll have a weird encounter in the tunnels, but since I try to avoid those direct spoilers, I won't elaborate upon its content here. This area is very simple and nothing challenging. Finding the key first may have saved a little time, but it's not like the place was a maze. I found nothing of particular interest in the tunnels, but could've missed something.
Search the Funhouse

I saved this for last, and I'm glad I did as it may have deterred me from the rest of the quest. It's not TOO hard, it's just frustrating and perhaps the most dangerous part of Kiddie Kingdom. First, a mirror maze with mines and ghouls. The mirrors don't really work, the maze is not too challenging but it did take a couple tries. I found using my pip-boy's flashlight helped me to navigate it a bit. There's additionally the dizzy room seen in the trailers, which is basically a place to shoot ghouls that can't attack you. Finally another minor maze with rotating corridors, and holes you can fall through if you're not careful (pictured).
Oswald Options
After completing the search, Oswald will call you back to King Kola's Castle, where you can now find the elevator inside the theater working. Before you do that, consider your options. If you did as I suggested and went to read Rachel's terminal in the castle, you know he had a girlfriend who set off to find a cure for the 'illness' everyone was facing when they were turning one by one into ferals. It is possible to find her and a peaceful resolution to this quest. Your options are:
- Confront Oswald Directly - Just go fight him, you'll get the reward below and one additional item that can't be attained without killing him. It is not, however, a great item.
- Speech Check Oswald - If you don't find Rachel, you can't tell him where she is - so you can only tell him to go looking for her (red speech check). Passing this, he will give you the same reward as though you'd traveled all the way to Bradberton to find Rachel.
- Find Rachel First - You can fast travel back to the castle, so why not simply go out to Bradberton (location below) and see for yourself?
If you DO fight Oswald, know it's nothing like the first fight. He'll heal up about 5x before he's finally dead, and he'll keep summoning ghouls throughout the battle. Radiation can be a problem, as are the multiple legendaries that may spawn throughout the fight. Just fair warning, so you know to save. It's not nearly as hard as other fights, but was an unexpected challenge after a period of relatively easy combat.
Finding Oswald's Rachel

Rewards for 'A Magical Kingdom'

If you do the second or third options above, you will be given Oswald's weapon (Sword of Wonders) and top hat - which is sweet, the hat increases movement speed by 10%. The Tuxedo reduces damage dealt by humans, but is one of those full-body pieces and cannot be worn with armor. The tuxedo can be fitted with ballistic weave, though the tophat cannot (too bad!).
Claiming Territory for Raiders

Now that you've finished the quest, you can access Oswald's terminal and disable the poison mist sprayers throughout kiddie kingdom. Additionally, you can step out on the balcony and select the flagpole. A dialog will pop up: choose to claim this part of the park for either The Operators, The Pack, or The Disciples. There is a greater purpose to this, you can learn a bit more (if you don't mind spoilers) on my Faction Perk and Benefits Page. To keep it simple, if you like one of the factions make sure you do not neglect giving them ANY territory, the gang with the least territory is going to grow more upset.
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1 inside The World of Refreshment and the 2nd outside of Dry Rock Gulch behind some hedges
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